Education & Applications

How to Register into MUHAS SARIS 2 account | First year SARIS 2 Registration


There have been many questions for freshers
about how to register in the online universtity system. As every student must
have online student ,anagement account thus this have been important to know.
People asks, How do I register at MUHAS? How can first be registered online at
MUHAS? MUHAS registration system. MUHAS SARIS 2 login. MUHAS password reset.
How to reset a password in saris2 account?

All these questions have been trouble for the new coming MUHAS students. In
this article wea are going to answer them. We will focus on how a student can
register into the system from step one up to the last step.


  1. Visit the university official website 

First land on the university’s website which
is Then scroll down and find the
SARIS 2 button to be able to log into your SARIS 2 account. The Online students
account is in SARIS2.

  2. Sign up
After clicking on the SARIS 2 button, you will be required to log in to your
account. And this will enable you to continue the other registration
steps.  Here you will have to write your username and password as follows:


Username: Form Four Index number (S000/0000/Year).
Password: Your third name (surname) in capital letters.

3. Confirm your Email and Phone number.

After writing your username and password, finish
signing up by writing your current email (active one) and your phone number
(not your parent’s phone number)
The phone number must have a format that starts with the country code without
the (+) sign
Example 25575678… (Not
+2557578…. or 075678….)

4. Login for further steps.

After following the first three steps, you can
now log in to your SARIS 2 account using your username and password at any
Log in to your account and check your personal information if it is correct, if
there are any changes you will be able to make those changes by clicking on the
word edit.


There is some information which was not filled
in during application. All these should be filled in during registration
process. The information includes uploading your passport, adding bank details,
health insurance details, attaching your documents, also including your
sponsorship details if any.

Your personal information is the same as that you used in your universities and
loan applications (HESLB).  For example, address of residence, region of
residence, information of siblings, etc.


5. Create an invoice
On the dashboard, there are menu buttons on the upper right side of the screen
of your device.  Click on that section and you will see various options.
Among the options here we focus on those concerning registration issues. There
is a payment option, registration as we have seen above and the accommodation
option (-Accommodation Payments i.e. housing).


Click in the payment option where you will see
two options. To create invoice or to see the list of created invoices. So,
there are three types of invoices, in this section there are two: –


-Tuition fees,
-Administrative fees

Here click on create invoices after selecting
the tuition fees option and load items.


Here each student will pay an invoice according
to his/her status.  For those who got a 100% loan, those who have received
scholarships, those who have been assigned housing, those who have a loan
percentage less than 100% and those who have not got a loan at all.

Breakdown: –

(a).  100% Loan Holders and Samia
Scholarship Holders.

Those in this group will be required to make payments for administration fees
and accommodation invoices only (if you have been assigned to hostels).

(b).  With HESLB loan percentage less than 100%.
You will prepare all invoices, and make payments for all items as per the
information below. All items i.e. tuition fees, administration fees and
accommodations (only for those assigned)

Administration fee and accommodation you will pay all as it is. For the
administration you will be required to pay the remaining amount after deducting
what is paid by your sponsor (E.g. HESLB).

For example, if you got 46% of the loan and your fee is 1,800,000/= then
see this explanation below.
46/100 x 1,800,000 = 828,000
1,800,000 – 828,000 = 972,000

You will have to pay Tshs 972,000/= for the whole year.  But in two
installments, i.e every semester you pay half of 972,000/=.
So, you will pay Tshs 486,000 on the tuition fees control number.

(c). Who have not received a loan or any government-recognized Sponsor.
This group will create invoices for all tuition, administration and
accommodation fees if assigned.  administration fees and accommodation
fees are all paid without dividing.
Tuition fees you will pay half of your fees for the whole year.

NB: administration fees and accommodation fees are paid without dividing them.
Also, every student must have health insurance that can work nationwide, for
example NHIF.
Therefore, every student will be required to pay for health insurance if they
do not have it. For those who have it, bring copies of their insurance so that
they can be verified in advance to avoid inconvenience in registration.

6. Submit Receipts for Seal and stamps.

After making all the payments make sure you keep
the payment receipts.  All payment receipts must be sent to the University
accountant for the bursar’s stamp. You won’t be able to be registered fully
without the submiting all of your receipts to the bursar for seal.

7. Submit Your sealed and certified documents to the School’s office.

After being sealed by an accountant, and after
certifying all your documents to a lawyer.  You will send all your
documents to your school’s office. Every student will submit to his/her school
i.e school of medicine, pharmacy, public health, nursing etc.


© AjiraMpyaZone • 2022-23

One Comment

  1. Nc… bt am not well understood on how to create invoice for with heslb loan percentage less than 100%

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