How to Change Form Five Combinations || Selform System TAMISEMI 2023


Selform System TAMISEMI, Namna Ya Kubadilisha Combinations Form Four 2022-23

Selform System is the system used to change Combinations Form Four 2023. The users can log into their accounts and change the details which filled in on their selforms.
Selform System TAMISEMI. 

The establishment of the Ministry of Regional Administration and Original Government is set out in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The parts explaiining those establishments are Papers 8 (1) 145 and 146 of 1977 and numerous posterior emendations.

 In the series of the ammendments the following are the changes that this sysytem passed. The ammeendments envolved adding or removing some issues.

In 1982 

The Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania passed the Original Government Authorities. Act No. 7 (Cap 287) and the Original Authorities Act No 8 (Cap 288) were discussed and approved.

These two rules gave the authority to the Minister in cooperation with the Regional and Original Government administrations. The Rules provided power over the establishment of District Government Authorities, Townlets, Metropolises, and Original Authorities. This was under the Tamisemi power.

After that Still there were some transformations in this ministry. The Ministry has experienced several enhancements of its services under different ministries as follows

In 1990

The first was the anme transformation. This name gave also the power and the responsibility were determined through that name. This Ministry came known as, Ministry of Original Government, Social Development, Cooperation and Marketing and in the late 1990s

In 1998

The functions of the Ministry were transferred to the Prime Minister’s office therefore forming the two departments that were responsible for Regional Administration and Original Government Administration.

November, 2000 

During that time the functions of MRALG were transferred to the Office of the President (PORALG).

December, 2005

The Ministry’s functions were also transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMORALG)
Still, in December, 2015 the work of the Ministry was transferred to the Presidency of Regional Administration and Original Government which has continued to this day.

Selform Management Information System ( MIS ) is the system develop by TAMISEMI that allow form for Scholars in Tanzania to change different choices in their account like School, College and combination after Results of their final examinations released Selform System TAMISEMI 2020

What To Change In Selform System TAMISEMI 2022?

Yes, lets answer this question first. What to change in Selform system? What to do whenYou login In Sleform system?, the answer is simmple. You just change what you see doesnt suite you with your Form Four results. 

Normally students Fills their sellform while at schools. And this is done before the exam. Thats why the government introduced the possibility to change the selection preference. To cahnge combinations is due to unexpected examination results. 

There is a higher possibility of Choosing Combinations that may be Out of your results. Also, a student can fill the colleges or schools without knowledge, and later on may want to change after finding out the best colleges or schools. Therefore, that is what to change.


The system will give you an acces to your selform. Then there is where you will confirm your Form five combinations or put new one. Also you will be able to set your priorities in selections. Now lets get into the process on how.


After knowing what is being changed in your selform account let’s change them. In generally, the information to change are combinations, schools, courses, and colleges. You are able to cahnge your selection priority too. Just as how you filled in the selform at school. Nothing much changed except this is an online method to do so.


To register into the system Fill your Form four index number and your names. There you will be asked some of your details. Normally the details asked are the pass mark of your form four NECTA  Examination results. For Example, “FILL THE GEOGRAPHY GRADE YOU SCORED IN YOUR NECTA RESULTS”
After answering the question correctly you will create your password. Use the pasword that is strong but also easy for you to remember. Mark your username and the password as we are going to use it for logging in.

In order to get access to your combination selection, the foremost is logging in to the account. here you will need to know the username and the password for your account. The username is Your Form four index number and the password you created in registration process above.

In Your account you can change the following: –

  • Home Address: If you are mistaken about filling out your address here is the chance to change it. Put your correct home address or confirm the first one.

  • Mobile Number: Add the correct phone number incase to reach you out. If you dont own your own phone number use the parents’ or the guardian phone number. The aim is the phone number that can reach you easily when needed.
  • Email Address; In this field you will fill the email that is active in case needed to be contacted too. Similar to the phone number above if you don’t own the email, create or use the email of your relatives.
  • Options to change schools, colleges and combination due to success in form four Results: this is the main aim of the system and this article as well. The student will fill in five combination selection preferences according to his/her results. Good inough the system is somehow advanced. 

     When you choose the combination that you didn’t reached the minimum requirements it will tell you before saving. This reduces the chance of adding the courses or subject combinations that you can’t be selected. Therefore, you will make your decisions by getting some assistance and guidance from the system.

Selform system TAMISEMI has major 8 parts that used by Students to change their choices done during form four Examination registration from what they expect to study in the next level of Advanced Level (A’Level) or college. Below is the user manual of this system guide Students on how to register, login and change their choices.

 Here is How To Use Selform System  TAMISEMI 2023|

TAMISEMI Contact Details

1923 Dodoma – Tanzania, Afrika Mashariki, 
Katibu Mkuu Ofisi ya Rais Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa 
Telephone: + 255 (26) 232 1 234 
Fax: +255 (26) 23 22 116 Email: ps@tamisemi.go.tz 
Complain: ps@tamisemi.go.tz 

website: http://tamisemi.go.tz/

What is Selform MIS?

Selfom MiS is Tamisemi’s Online system which gives the Form Four Graduands ability to change their Form Five Combinations and College Choices after they have received their NECTA Examination results.

How To Register Into SELFORM MIS?

To Register into selform mis is a simple process with four steps.
1. Write your Form four Index Number in this Format which includes a year of graduation.
2. Fill the required details about the subject score asked
3. fill the Birth year
4. Create a password, then you just finished the registration.


To login into your Selform Account you Need to know your Username and a password.
fill index number (username) and password to login

How to change Combination in Selform system?

These are steps to change combinaytion
1. Register your account/ login into selform MIS
2. Identify areas to change
3. Change by searching the required field
3. click SAVE & NEXT to finish and save changes

© AjiraMpyaZone • 2022-23

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